Be sure to use your full 120 minutes in class on Thursday 10/2 to complete the following tasks.
Assignment #1:

Create a
- Design the tombstone on the 11X17 piece of paper. Make it look as realistic as possible. Cut out the shape of the tombstone to make it seem even more real.
- Include their first and last name on the tombstone
- Include their year of birth and their year of death (ex: 1882-1935)
- Include an epitaph for the person- A two or three sentence description of the person’s life/ why they should be remembered.
- Include an additional engraving (drawing) that helps symbolize that person’s life.
- Be creative and have fun while meeting the criteria above and making your tombstone seem as real as possible!
- The good examples of tombstones will be added to the Siegmund Graveyard.
a) Complete any other assignments from Unit 4 that are still unfinished.
b) Remember to bring in some food for Monday's Columbian Exchange pot luck
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