Unit 5: Revolution!
In this unit you will examine the intellectual, political, social, and economic factors that changed the world view of Europeans. The unit will focus on both social and political revolutions. You will study the Scientific Revolution, the Enlightenment, the political revolutions in Europe and the Americas, the Industrial Revolution and its effects on society including the rise of Nationalism and the Age of New Imperialism. As you study this unit keep in mind how these revolutions changed the world and helped shape the modern world that we live in.
The guiding question for this unit is: How did the Age of Revolutions shape the world that we live in?
- Scientific contributions of Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, and Newton changed the European world view.
- The Enlightenment thinkers' ideas (Locke, Voltaire, Rousseau, Montesquieu) helped shape modern politics and society.
- Absolute rulers (Louis XIV, Peter the Great) held absolute power in the country's.
- Political revolutions in England, the United States, France, and Latin America all shared similar causes and results.
- Napoleon Bonaparte's rise to power and fall from power affected the whole world.
- The Industrial Revolution changed the way people worked, lived, ate, etc.
- New ideas about the government's role in regulating the economy were born. Adam Smith's theory of Capitalism and Karl Marx's theory of Communism came out of the Industrial Revolution.
- Industrialized nations wanted new markets for their manufactured goods and they needed new sources of raw materials so they turned to taking over foreign lands to meet these needs.
- The long term effects of the Age of Imperialism can still be found in lands that were colonized by the Imperial powers.
SSWH13 The student will examine the intellectual, political, social, and economic factors that changed the world view of Europeans.
a. Explain the scientific contributions of Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, and Newton and how these ideas changed the European world view.
b. Identify the major ideas of the Enlightenment from the writings of Locke, Voltaire, and Rousseau and their relationship to politics and society.
SSWH14 The student will analyze the Age of Revolutions and Rebellions.
a. Examine absolutism through a comparison of the rules of Louis XIV, Tsar Peter the Great, and Tokugawa Ieyasu.
b. Identify the causes and results of the revolutions in England (1689), United States (1776), France (1789), Haiti (1791), and Latin America (1808-1825).
c. Explain Napoleon’s rise to power, and his defeat; and explain the consequences for Europe.
d. Examine the interaction of China and Japan with westerners; include the Opium War, the Taiping Rebellion, and Commodore Perry.
SSWH15 The student will be able to describe the impact of industrialization, the rise of nationalism, and the major characteristics of worldwide imperialism.
a. Analyze the process and impact of industrialization in England, Germany, and Japan, movements for political reform, the writings of Adam Smith and Karl Marx, and urbanization and its affect on women.
b. Compare and contrast the rise of the nation state in Germany under Otto von Bismarck and Japan under Emperor Meiji.
c. Describe the reaction to foreign domination; include the Russo-Japanese War and Young Turks.
d. Describe imperialism in Africa and Asia by comparing British policies in South Africa, French policies in Indochina, and Japanese policies in Asia.
Read each assignment carefully for the expectations for completing, turning in, and earning the maximum points possible.
Assignment 1: Unit Introduction with the Beatles!
To introduce you to the unit we are going to analyze the lyrics to the Beatles Revolution. After we listen to the song you will answer questions about social and political revolutions and classify events as pre-revolution or post revolution to introduce you to events and concepts you'll study in the unit.
Your points for this activity will be based on your participation in the activities. *10 possible points.
Assignment 2: Unit 5: 4 Part Vocabulary Assignment and Vocabulary Quiz
Complete a four part definition (1. the definition 2. supporting fact 3. interesting fact 4. visual) for each of the following terms associated with this unit: Heliocentric Theory, Galileo, Enlightenment, Absolute Monarch, Louis XIV, French Revolution, Napoleon Bonaparte, Industrial Revolution, Adam Smith, Karl Marx, Imperialism, Nationalism
* This should be typed. Put in vocabulary section of your notebook. Must put in Mrs. Siegmund's drop box to get points for completing the assignment. You will take an oral vocabulary quiz after you have turned in your vocabulary assignment. 48 possible points for vocabulary assignment, and 12 possible points for the quiz.
Assignment 3: Jeopardy- Age of Revolutions Edition
The majority of your understanding of this time period will come from research you do to complete a version of the game Jeopardy. Click here to get the instructions for completing your version of Jeopardy. If you are working from home you can download the power point, but if you are working at school you have to copy the power point from my drop box.
You will need to copy the power point from my drop box. To do this complete these steps.
1. Go to siegmundc drop box.
2. Open the Assignments folder
3. Open the World History Folder
4. Click once on the Jeopardy-Age of Revolutions Edition Skeleton power point
5. On the left hand side select copy this file
6. Copy the power point into your My Documents folder
7. Type in the questions and the answers for the different categories until you have finished the entire game.
8. Be sure to save your work as you go.
The best game will be played by the whole class.
Assignment 4: Europe Political Map and Map Test
The majority of the topics discussed in this unit are set in Europe. So that you know where we're talking about for this unit and for your future knowledge, it is your job to memorize the location of twenty assigned countries in Europe. Pick up the outline map and instructions from Mrs. Siegmund. You will know ahead of time which 20 countries you're being tested over. We will have a map test on date TBA over the 20 European countries. Spelling counts.
* 40 possible points.
Assignment 5: How Your Life Would Be Different Blog Post
Consider all the different happenings during this age of revolutions that you studied in this unit that helped shape the modern world.
Type a list of 10 ways that your life would be different if these revolutions never occurred (be sure to touch on multiple revolutions in your list). You need to also explain how your life would be different if the revolution never occurred. Give your post an appropriate title.
Here is an example: 1. If the Enlightenment never occurred, our government would not have a separation of powers to keep our government balanced and we might be under the rule of a power hungry leader. Montesquieu, the Enlightenment philosopher, first proposed the idea.
After you post your list notify Mrs. Siegmund so that she can grade your post and award your points. *40 possible points.
i finished assignment #5
i finished assignment 5
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