Unit 4: Exploration and Colonization:
This unit will revolve around the motives and means for European exploration and the colonization of newly discovered territories thereafter. The unit will pay particular attention to the Spanish methods of conquest and colonization of its American territories and the Natives therein.
- European exploration was influenced by Renaissance ideas and technological advances
- The European motives for exploration and colonization (3 Gs)
- The European patterns of conquest and treatment of the Natives in territories they colonized.
- Native American societies had unique civilizations and cultures prior to European conquest
- Colonization of the Americas led to the African Slave Trade
- Exploration and colonization of the Americas brought about a global exchange of goods,diseases, and ideas that forever changed the face of the world..
SSWH8 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the development of societies in Central and South America.
a. Explain the rise and fall of the Olmec, Mayan, Aztec, and Inca empires.
b. Compare the culture of the Americas; include government, economy, religion, and the arts of the Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas.
SSWH10 The student will analyze the impact of the age of discovery and expansion into the Americas, Africa, and Asia.
a. Explain the roles of explorers and conquistadors; include Zheng He, Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, James Cook, and Samuel de Champlain.
b. Define the Columbian Exchange and its global economic and cultural impact.
c. Explain the role of improved technology in European exploration; include the astrolabe.
Read each assignment carefully for the expectations for completing, turning in, and earning the maximum points possible.
Assignment 1: Preview Reflection Blog Post:
Discovering the Undiscovered- Would you go?
Write a blog post that addresses the following topic to get you thinking about this unit.
It is the year 2020 and you, an astronaut, have been asked to lead a voyage into a part of outer space that very little is known about. Would you go?
In your blog post be sure to explain:
1. What possible rewards might come from your
exploration? (at least 2)
2. What are the risks involved in voyaging into the
unknown? (at least 2)
3. Would you go? Why? Why not?
* Write a thorough post that includes many specific examples to defend your argument. Be sure to include an appropriate title for the post. Let Mrs. Siegmund know when you have published your post so that you can get your points for completing the assignment. *20 possible points.
Assignment 2: Unit 4 Four Part Vocabulary Assignment and Vocabulary QuizComplete a four part definition (1. the definition 2. supporting fact 3. interesting fact 4. visual) for each of the following terms associated with this unit: Aztec, Inca, Christopher Columbus, colony, conquistador, Hernando Cortes, Francisco Pizarro, Mestizo, Middle Passage, Triangular Trade, Columbian Exchange
* This should be typed. Place finished vocabulary assignment in Mrs. Siegmund's drop box and notify Mrs. Siegmund after you have completed this task to get points for completing the assignment. Put graded work in the vocabulary section of your notebook. You will take a vocabulary quiz after you have turned in your vocabulary assignment. 44 possible points for vocabulary assignment, and 11 possible points for the quiz.
Assignment 3: Motives for European Exploration Student Notes
Click here to get the student notes that you will need to complete using this power point Be sure to complete both parts of the assignment.
* After you have completed your notes show them to Mrs. Siegmund so she can award your points. Put your completed notes in your notes section of your notebook *20 possible points.
Assignment 4: Christopher Columbus and 1492
We are going to watch parts of the movie 1492 to help you understand the events and effects of Columbus' "discovery" of the New World. Mrs. Siegmund will hand out your video notes the day of the video. After completing the video notes you will be expected to answer a reflection question for quiz points.
Assignment 5: Spanish Colonization in the Americas Case Study
If you're starting the assignment at school, you'll have to get the case study from Mrs. Siegmund's drop box. Follow these instructions for getting the case study from my drop box.
You will need to copy the power point from my drop box. To do this complete these steps.
1. Go to siegmundc drop box.
2. Open the Assignments folder
3. Open the World History Folder
4. Click once on the Spanish Colonization in the Americas Case Study power point
5. On the left hand side select copy this file
6. Copy the power point into your My Documents folder
7. Follow all instructions within the case study.
8. Be sure to save your work as you go.
If you are working on the case study from home, click here to open the case study.
Cortez the Killer Video: For slide 16 you will need to watch the video below. You can also access it in my assignments folder if you would like to watch it in full screen.
Follow all instructions within the power point to complete the case study. Be sure to ask for help if you get confused.When you have completed the case study put it in Mrs. Siegmund's drop box. Be sure that your name is in the title. * 70 possible points.
Assignment 6: Warning Poster

After completing the case study power point it is your job to create a warning poster for the Aztec or Inca people warning them about the Conquistadors. Click here to get the detailed instructions for this assignment.
Turn in your warning poster to Mrs. Siegmund so that she can grade it and award your points.
*25 possible points
Assignment 7: Slavery and the Triangular Trade Map Work
Read the background information in this power point about the African Slave trade before attempting to complete the map work. Mrs. Siegmund will give you the necessary map materials after you take a short verbal quiz over the information presented in the power point. Follow all instructions for completing the map carefully.
After you complete your map turn it in to be graded. Put your map in your map section of your notebook. *15 possible points
Assignment 8: The Columbian Exchange Pot Luck and Blog Reflection
Part I. On TBA, the last in class working day for this unit, we are going to have some goodies made out of New World and Old World foods. It is not mandatory that you bring something to share at the Pot Luck, but it would be wonderful if you could. The more food the better! If you decide to bring a dish, please be prepared to tell the class the main ingredients in your dish so that we can research whether or not the main ingredients are New World, Old World, or both.
Part II. After our pot luck write a blog reflection that addresses this question:
How did European exploration and colonization forever change the landscape and lives of people in the Old World and the New World?
Be sure to think about everything you studied in this unit when you answer the question. Provide at least three specific examples in your post to defend your argument. *20 possible points.