Unit 3: The Transition to the Modern WorldThis unit will revolve around the time in European History 1300-1600 when society experienced many changes that helped shape the modern western world. We will start our unit in the Middle Ages so we can understand what major changes in society brought about and defined the Renaissance and Reformation.
The guiding question for this unit is: How did the Renaissance help shape our society?
By the time you are finished studying this unit you should understand the following ideas:
- There are many differences between Medieval and Renaissance societies.
- The bubonic plague helped usher in the Renaissance.
- The Renaissance introduced a new way of looking at the world.
- There was a strong connection between church and state during this time period.
- The Protestant Reformation had a lasting impact on world religion.
Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) Addressed in Unit 3 are:
SSWH7 The student will analyze European medieval society with regard to culture, politics, society, and economics.
a. Explain the manorial system and feudalism; include the status of peasants and feudal monarchies and the importance of Charlemagne.
b. Describe the political impact of Christianity; include Pope Gregory VII and King Henry IV.
c. Explain the role of the church in medieval society.
d. Describe how increasing trade led to the growth of towns and cities.
SSWH9 The student will analyze change and continuity in the Renaissance and Reformation.
a. Explain the social, economic, and political changes that contributed to the rise of Florence and the ideas of Machiavelli.
b. Identify artistic and scientific achievements of Leonardo da Vinci, the “Renaissance man,” and Michelangelo.
c. Explain the main characteristics of humanism; include the ideas of Petrarch, Dante, and Erasmus.
d. Analyze the impact of the Protestant Reformation; include the ideas of Martin Luther and John Calvin.
e. Describe the Counter Reformation at the Council of Trent and the role of the Jesuits.
f. Describe the English Reformation and the role of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I.
g. Explain the importance of Gutenberg and the invention of the printing press.Read each of the assignments below carefully for the expectations for completing, turning in, and earning the maximum points possible.
Assignment 1: Preview Reflection Blog Post: Carpe Diem?
Write a blog post that addresses the following question to get you thinking about this unit.
Base your response to this question on your own experiences.
Do you agree with the famous Latin saying carpe diem? Why? or Why not?
Carpe diem translates as pluck the day. It involves the enjoyment of the pleasures of the moment without concern for the future.
* Write a thorough post (at least 5-6 well written sentences) that includes many specific examples to defend your argument. Be sure to include an appropriate title for the post. Let Mrs. Siegmund know when you have published your post so that you can get your points for completing the assignment. *20 possible points.
Assignment 2: 4 Part Vocabulary Slides and Vocabulary Quiz
Complete a four part vocabulary slide (1. the definition 2. supporting fact 3. interesting fact 4. visual) for each of the following terms associated with this unit: Middle Ages, Feudalism, bubonic plague, humanism, Machiavelli, Renaissance Man,Protestant Reformation, Johann Gutenberg, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Council of Trent, Henry VIII
* This should be typed using power point and following Mrs. Siegmund's example. Place finished vocabulary assignment in Mrs. Siegmund's drop box, and notify Mrs. Siegmund after you have completed this task to get points for completing the assignment. Add graded slides to your GPS ring. You will take a vocabulary quiz after you have turned in your vocabulary assignment.
*48 possible points for vocabulary assignment, and 12 possible points for the quiz.
Assignment 3: Transition from Medieval to Renaissance Thought in EuropeMrs. Siegmund will lead the class through a thought provoking lesson that provides insight into Medieval society, the bubonic plague, and the birth of the Renaissance in Italy. You will need to use the power point What Would You Decide to complete the simulation.
* To receive points for this assignment you will have to complete any notes, activities, and participate in discussions. Lesson date TBA. 25 possible points
Assignment 4: Renaissance Art Historian Activity
The assignment involves you analyzing famous Renaissance paintings to see of you can identify elements of Renaissance artistic techniques (perspective, vanishing point, realistic, glorifying the human body, religious in context) as well as find clues from the painting about what the painting reveals about Renaissance society and values. Click here to get the power point that contains the Renaissance paintings that you will need to complete the assignment. Click here to get the assignment.
After you have completed the assignment show it to Mrs. Siegmund so that she can award your points in the grade book. *30 possible points.
Assignment 5: The Printing Press and the Spread of Knowledge Blog Post
Do not begin this assignment until Mrs. Siegmund gives the class the necessary background information you will need to complete the assignment.
Assignment: Create a blog post that addresses the following question: What modern invention has had as great of an effect on the spread of knowledge in our society as the printing press did on Renaissance society? Why? Be sure to discuss the impact of the printing press on Renaissance society and discuss the impact of the modern invention on our society's spread of knowledge.
Your blog post should be at least eight sentences long and include at least two specific details to defend each argument. It should include a picture of the Gutenberg printing press and a picture of the modern invention you wrote about in your paragraph.
Notify Mrs. Siegmund when you have published your post so that she can grade it.
*30 possible points.
Assignment 6: History of the Protestant Reformation and Luther Video Notes and Notes Quiz
To learn about the beginnings of the Protestant Reformation we are going to watch the video Luther. You will be expected to take movie notes and any other additional notes that Mrs. Siegmund shares with you. The movie notes will be distributed the day of the movie. You will be expected to take an open note quiz about information presented in the video and by Mrs. Siegmund.
Show your completed notes to Mrs. Siegmund so that she can award your points. Take the quiz and turn it in to be graded. Your finished notes and graded quiz should go in your notes section. 40*possible points (20 points for detailed notes and 20 points for the quiz)
Assignment 7: Henry VIII, His Family, and The Reformation in England Case Study
You are going to take a closer look at Henry VIII, his family, and the effects of the Protestant Reformation in England by completing a power point case study. Many of the slides provide you with background information, but it is your job to complete the power point. Follow the instructions within the power point presentation for completing the case study. You will need to copy the power point from my drop box. To do this complete these steps.
1. Go to siegmundc drop box.
2. Open the Assignments folder
3. Open the World History Folder
4. Click once on the Religious Turmoil in England power point
5. On the left hand side select copy this file
6. Copy the power point into your My Documents folder
7. Follow the instructions within the power point for completing the slides.
8. Be sure to save your work as you go.
If you want to download the power point at home to work on it, click here.
After you've completed the case study power point notify Mrs. Siegmund so that she can award your points. Be sure to save your finished work in your My Documents folder
60*possible points
Assignment 8: Major European Religions in 1600 Map Work and Map Quiz
Pick up an outline map of Europe around 1600 from Mrs. Siegmund. Click here to get the instructions for completing the map. Be sure to follow all instructions carefully to ensure maximum points and preparedness for the open map quiz that you will take when you are finished with your map.
Show your completed map to Mrs. Siegmund so that she can award your points. Take the quiz and turn it in to be graded. Your finished map and graded quiz should go in your map section. 30*possible points
*Bonus Assignment*
Historical Fiction Narrative: A Day in the Life of Medieval, Renaissance, or Reformation Society Story Post
Click here to get the instructions for your completing the bonus assignment. You will also need to access the following documents by clicking on the links below:
European Professions from 1300-1600
Important Events and People from 1300-1600 in Europe
Historical Fiction Research Information and Sources
After completing your story and posting it on your blog, notify Mrs. Siegmund so that she can grade it. Be sure to turn in your Historical Fiction Research Information and Sources sheet as well. *35 possible bonus points