Unit 6: The World at War
In this unit you will study the the events leading up to, during, and following WWI and WWII.
The guiding question for this unit is: Is war ever necessary?
- The MAIN causes of WWI.
- New weapons introduced during WWI changed the way war was fought.
- The Treaty of Versailles that ended WWI was a "peace built on quicksand".
- Totalitarian aggression was the major cause of WWII.
- Millions of innocent civilians lost their lives because of the war time policies.
- The U.S. use of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ushered in a new era.
- The Cold War was an effect of WWII.
SSWH16 The student will demonstrate an understanding of long-term causes of World War I and its global impact.
a. Identify the causes of the war; include Balkan nationalism, entangling alliances, and militarism.
b. Describe conditions on the war front for soldiers; include the Battle of Verdun.
c. Explain the major decisions made in the Versailles Treaty; include German reparations and the mandate system that replaced Ottoman control.
d. Analyze the destabilization of Europe in the collapse of the great empires; include the Romanov and Hapsburg dynasties.
SSWH17 The student will be able to identify the major political and economic factors that shaped world societies between World War I and World War II.
a. Examine the impact of the war on science, art, and social thinking by identifying the cultural significance of Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein, and Picasso.
b. Determine the causes and results of the Russian Revolution from the rise of the Bolsheviks under Lenin to Stalin’s first Five Year Plan.
c. Describe the rise of fascism in Europe and Asia by comparing the policies of Benito Mussolini in Italy, Adolf Hitler in Germany, and Hirohito in Japan.
d. Analyze the rise of nationalism as seen in the ideas of Sun Yat Sen, Mustafa Kemal Attaturk, and Mohandas Ghandi.
e. Describe the nature of totalitarianism and the police state that existed in Russia, Germany, and Italy and how they differ from authoritarian governments.
f. Explain the aggression and conflict leading to World War II in Europe and Asia; include the Italian invasion of Ethiopia, the Spanish Civil War, the rape of Nanjing in China, and the German annexation of the Sudetenland.
SSWH18 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the global political, economic, and social impact of World War II.
a. Describe the major conflicts and outcomes; include Pearl Harbor, El-Alamein, Stalingrad, D-Day, Guadalcanal, the Philippines, and the end of the war in Europe and Asia.
b. Identify Nazi ideology, policies, and consequences that led to the Holocaust.
c. Explain the military and diplomatic negotiations between the leaders of Great Britain (Churchill), the Soviet Union (Stalin), and the United States (Roosevelt/Truman) from Teheran to Yalta and Potsdam and the impact on the nations of Eastern Europe.
d. Explain allied Post-World War II policies; include formation of the United Nations, the Marshall Plan for Europe, and MacArthur’s plan for Japan.
Assignment 1: Is War Ever Necessary? Blog Post
Write a blog post that addresses the question below to get you thinking about this unit.
Is war ever necessary? Why? Why not?
* Write a thorough post that includes specific examples to defend your argument . Be sure to include an appropriate title for the post. Let Mrs. Siegmund know when you have published your post so that you can get your points for completing the assignment. *20 possible points.
Assignment 2: Unit 6: Four Part Vocabulary Assignment and Vocabulary Quiz
Complete a four part definition (1. the definition 2. supporting fact 3. interesting fact 4. visual) for each of the following terms associated with this unit: Alliance System, Trench Warfare, Total War, Rationing, Propaganda, Treaty of Versailles, Fascism, Totalitarian, Adolf Hitler, Holocaust, D-Day, Nuremberg Trials
* This should be typed. Place finished vocabulary assignment in Mrs. Siegmund's drop box and notify Mrs. Siegmund after you have completed this task to get points for completing the assignment. Put graded work in the vocabulary section of your notebook. You will take a vocabulary quiz after you have turned in your vocabulary assignment. 48 possible points for vocabulary assignment, and 12 possible points for the quiz.
Assignment 3: WWI Case StudyTo learn about the causes of WWI, the new weapons and warfare during WWI, U.S. involvement in the war, the war's effect of civilians, and the end of the war and the Treaty of Versailles you will complete a power point case study.
You will need to copy the power point from my drop box. To do this complete these steps.
1. Go to siegmundc drop box.
2. Open the Assignments folder
3. Open the World History Folder
4. Click once on the WWI Case Study power point
5. On the left hand side select copy this file
6. Copy the power point into your My Documents folder
7. Follow all instructions within the power point to complete the case study.
8. Be sure to save your work as you go.
If you are beginning the case study at home, click here to download it.
WWI in the Trenches Video: For slide 17 you will need to watch the video below. You can also access it in my assignments folder if you would like to watch it in full screen.
* When your case study is complete put it in Mrs. Siegmund's drop box and notify Mrs. Siegmund so that she can grade it and award your points. *100 points.Assignment 4: Major Events of WWII Annotated Map and Map Test
Pick up a packet of materials from Mrs. Siegmund to complete this assignment. Be sure to complete all four parts of the assignment accurately to help ensure that you are prepared for the open note map test that you will take after your map has been graded. To get a copy of the instructions for this assignment click here.
* 80 possible points for completing the annotated map, and 20 possible points for the map quiz that will follow.
The class will have 20 minutes of SSR for five days of this unit to read the graphic novel Maus II. This narrative will increase your understanding of what life was like for prisoners in the Nazi death camps and how survivors of the Holocaust were changed by their experiences. After each day's reading you will complete an entry into a journal. Click here to see what is expected for each journal entry.
* After you finish the book and your journal entries turn in your journal to be graded. You can earn 50 possible points for your Maus II reading journal.
Assignment 6: Hiroshima and Nuclear War Reading and Research
Do not begin this assignment until you have completed assignment 4. For this assignment you will read selected pages of John Hersey's Hiroshima to learn about the immediate and long term effects of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Pick up the book from Mrs. Siegmund when you are ready to begin this assignment. After you complete the reading, you will use the Internet to see who has nuclear weapons today. Click here to get the instructions for this assignment.
* Turn in your completed notes and book to Mrs. Siegmund when you are finished with this assignment. possible points.
Assignment 7: World at War Photo Perspectives Blog Post
To access the instructions for completing the World at War Photo Perspectives blog post click here
After you have your poem(s) or letter(s) written, create a blog post where you type up your poem(s) or letter(s). In your post upload the pictures that you worked with. The pictures should be next to the poem or letter written about that photo. You'll have to save the pictures you worked with from the class blog into your My Pictures folder(right click on the picture and select save image as). Be sure to give your blog post an appropriate title.
After you have posted this assignment, notify Mrs. Siegmund so she can grade it and award your points.*70 possible points